Careers After St. John's
By the Numbers
Preparing for a Career in Law74%
Of our alumni say the benefits of their St. John’s education outweigh the financial costs. Only 42% on average at peer institutions.
Of our alumni say St. 约翰学院为他们在研究生院不断学习和/或取得成功做好了准备.
Alumni Success
Where are our alumni, and what are they doing?
College-funded Opportunities
Do we really pay students to prepare for careers?
How do St. John’s-funded internships work?
St. 约翰学院现在保证为每个想要实习的学生提供带薪实习机会, 谁将参与学院的安置程序. 如欲查阅本校学生近期实习的名单,请按此. Each comes with a $4,000 stipend, 哪些可以用于与实习相关的学生需求,如住房和旅行. 学生在国家科学实验室实习, Congressional offices, publishing houses, investment firms, nonprofits and more. 平均而言,约有一半的约翰尼完成了圣. 在他们毕业的时候获得约翰资助的实习机会,并且学院承诺随着时间的推移提高这个数字.
In Santa Fe, our internship program is called the ARIEL Internship. In Annapolis, it is called the Hodson Trust Internship. 所有这些都是捐助者资助的,学院非常感谢捐助者的慷慨支持. 要查看我们学生最近的实习列表, visit our careers data page.
What kinds of fellowships do we help students attain?
St. 约翰学院的学生利用两种类型的奖学金. The first is college-funded fellowships 为了补充课程和职业发展的机会,将准备研究生院或职业生涯的学生. 第二个是国家奖学金和奖学金项目,如富布赖特, Beinecke, and Davis Projects for Peace.
大学资助的奖学金被称为途径奖学金. They provide students with a maximum of $5,000 to take courses, earn professional certificates, or attend conferences. With a Pathways Fellowship, students may enroll, for example, in pre-med courses for medical school, art classes in order to build a portfolio, 或者参加教育课程,以获得在公立学校教书的执照
有两种途径奖学金:一般途径, which fund summer programs in the United States, and Global Pathways, which fund international study. 全球路径只在圣达菲校区开放. All are funded by generous St. John’s College donors. 请查看学生最近在哪里完成了衔接奖学金 visit our careers data page.
The Pathways Fellowship page for Annapolis and the Internships and Fellowships page for Santa Fe 在每个校区提供更多关于衔接课程的信息.
第二种类型的奖学金——国家奖学金和奖学金项目——适用于所有在美国的大学生.S. Programs like the Fulbright U.S. Student program, the Beinecke Scholarship, 戴维斯基金会和平计划提供了各种各样的机会, including post-graduate research overseas, funding for graduate studies in the U.S., and summer projects.
The 安纳波利斯国家奖学金和奖学金页面 and the National Scholarships page for Santa Fe provide more information about these programs.
要了解我们学生申请的国家奖学金和奖学金项目, visit our careers data page.
Graduate School Pathways
What graduate schools do our students attend?
St. 约翰学院在澳门金沙网赌登陆中以其严谨、古典的文科教育而闻名. Our reputation, combined with our students’ academic readinesses, 帮助学生获得一些世界顶尖学院和大学的录取:从伦敦经济学院到耶鲁大学, Harvard, and Princeton. 毕业生也在罗德岛设计学院等优秀的艺术学校学习, Julliard, and the Sorbonne; at top STEM schools like MIT, CalTech, and Johns Hopkins; and at local state schools and regional universities across the country including our own regional favorites: the University of Maryland and the University of New Mexico.
我们在圣达菲和安纳波利斯的就业服务办公室提供全面的服务,为研究生院做准备. Visit OPPD’s preparation for grad school page or Career Service’s grad school prep page to get started.
By the Numbers
What does data tell us about our students’ futures?
Career Offices
Not sure what to do after St. John’s? Start here.
不知道如何开始为未来的职业生涯或研究生学习做准备? 大多数学生都没有,这就是为什么我们的就业办公室从你进入圣. John’s College. The 在安纳波利斯的办公室叫做职业发展办公室 and the 在圣达菲的办公室被称为个人和职业发展办公室, also known as OPPD. Begin your journey with them by reaching out today.
For Employers
Throughout their four years at the college, 约翰尼分析了来自世界各地的200多位最具影响力的文本和思想家,千年西方思想:从柏拉图和帕斯卡到亚当·斯密和阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦. 他们通过动手证明和实验来学习数学和科学的基础, 从欧几里得开始,到达尔文和法拉第. 他们阅读、写作、讨论和剖析知识的轨迹——从字面上和比喻上.
约翰尼是自我指导的学习者,他们在新的和具有挑战性的材料中茁壮成长. 他们是敏锐的分析者,富有创造力和勇气的思考者,以及清晰的沟通者. They work well in teams, too: they know how to listen, they know how to ask questions, 他们知道协作式调查对每个人都更有效. The end result? 约翰尼擅长解决困难和新问题——就像今天每个组织面临的问题一样.